Entropics Asset Management AB is a Nordic specialist asset manager specialized in climate related investments. We develop, launch and manage sustainable investment strategies for fund entities and institutional investors.
mail: info@entropics.se
phone: +46 760 20 61 84 (Henrik Sjöholm, head of communications)
Legal information
Entropics is, according to regulation FFFS 2014:12 by Finansinspektionen (the Swedish FSA) and EU regulation 575/2013, obliged to disclose information on the company’s organisation, governance, ownership and guidelines for remunerations and recruitment. Some information is published through this web page. Additional information is available through the annual report and can also be requested from the company
Remuneration policy
Entropics applies a market-conforming remuneration policy based on fixed salaries. Variable remuneration is not applied. Recruitment of team members is principally based on the specific skills required to improve our ability to deliver returns to our fund shareholders. In case of equal skill level, we strive to increase diversity among our staff and governors. For further information on our remuneration and recruitment policy, please contact us.
Entropics is, from July 2014, subject to supervision by Finansinspektionen with authorisation to carry out discretionary portfolio management regarding financial instruments, according the Swedish Securities Market Act of 2007, chapter 2, § 1, point 4.For questions regarding Entropics’ authorisation, please contact us. Information on Finansinspektionen can be found at their web site, www.fi.se
If you, as a client of Entropics, has complaints or are dissatisfied with the service, you should immediately let us know. If so, please contact Robert Lindblom, CEO.
Contact Details: Complaints, Robert Lindblom, Entropics Asset Management AB, Box 5198, 102 44 Stockholm, Sweden, E-mail: info@entropics.se
Please state the subject and the points of dissatisfaction. You will immediately recieve a written acknowledgement that we have recieved your complaint, possibly with additional questions as a background for our investigation. As soon as we have investigated the matter you will recieve a written response. If you are not satisfied after a written complaint and the answer given, you can contact Allmänna Reklamationsnämnden – The National Board for Consumer Disputes; Allmänna reklamationsnämnden Phone: +46 8 555 017 00 Web: www.arn.se
If you are a resident of another country than Sweden, you can find a national consumer centre through the European Consumer Centres Network: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/ecc/index_en.htm