Themed strategies is a concept developed to support sustainable development by through thematic sustainable investments (e.g. in solutions for ocean health) coupled with share classes that donate to approved non-profit organisations with a mission to support a goal within the theme. The strategies combine good return opportunities with great public benefit. All themed strategies are to be ”dark green”, which means that they have sustainable investments as their objective within the meaning of article 9 (2) of the Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 of 27 November 2019 on sustainability-related disclosures in the financial sector (SFDR).
Entropics offers clients like non-profit organisations or fund companies development and management of themed funds, and provide a structure where the integrity of all parties is protected through a set-up where potential beneficiaries are selected and grants awarded by independent committees, based on a rule-set originally developed by Entropics.
Entropics provides an infrastructure and management process for themed mandates, developed in cooperation with leading partners in their specific areas of portfolio optimization, banking, sustainability analysis, academia, and fund administration. Non-profit organisations and clients can thus find a solution with us that benefits society and investors’ integration of sustainability in their portfolios.